We accept original and previously unpublished Short Stories, Creative Nonfiction Essays, Poetry, and Art
open on September 14, 2024. There is a modest submission fee of $3.00. This fee will help us maintain our
website, submission manager, and the high-quality of our printed
publication. All contributors who have work published in our journal
will receive a copy in lieu of payment. Please make sure the mailing address
used in your Submittable account is up to date. Additional copies of
issues may be purchased for $10.00 each, which includes shipping and handling.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to submit.
Voices Submission Guidelines
Voices accepts unsolicited
original and previously unpublished work in English from
across the world. Simultaneous submissions are
encouraged and accepted, but please notify us immediately if your work
is accepted elsewhere.
- One Short Story with a word count up to 4000 words
OR - Up to three Flash Fiction pieces (750-word limit for each) in a single Word document with a total word count not to exceed 2000 words
Creative Nonfiction
- One Narrative Essay with a word count up 4000 words
OR - Up to three Flash Nonfiction pieces (750-word limit for each) in a single Word document with a total word count not to exceed 2000 words
- Up to three poems, none exceeding fifty lines, all in a single Word document
- Up to three pieces of artwork in .jpg format with at least 300 resolution
- Please be sure to include the medium and dimensions of the piece.
By submitting your work, you agree to the following statement: Realizing that intellectual property right must be respected and are protected by law, I indicate that everything submitted for consideration by me is original work, I am its only author, it has not been previously published in print or online (including personal blogs), and I have the authority to offer it for publication in Voices. All rights return to the individual after publication.
Entries should also follow the genre specific requirements detailed below. Submissions that do not follow formatting requirements will not be considered for publication. Please use the submission link below to submit literature and art entries.
Formatting Guidelines:
All entries must be in Times New Roman, 12 point font,
double-spaced, paginated, and submitted as a .doc or docx. Note: the
submission manager will not accept Google Docs.
Prose submissions are limited to 4000 words.
Poetry is limited to 50 lines.
Art files must be in .jpg format and have 300dpi and include medium and dimensions.
Editors reserve the right to make minor edits (spelling, grammar, mechanics, etc) prior to publication.
Selection & Publication Process:
Notices of acceptance or rejection will be sent via email in early spring and the journal will
be distributed on campus in late April or early May. MSU Texas students
can get their free copy at our release party and contributor copies
will be mailed to non-MSU Texas students during the summer months.
"Send us something unique!" |